Follows Guy Simmons, a notorious mobster and the patriarch of the Simmons family, the southern underworld's ruling crime family, as he fights for his life, a sibling rivalry erupts, ...
Twice Bitten
Twice Bitten
An unmitigated and sexy conman targets his next mark, the widowed Monique, for his latest swindle. But his routine scam hits a snag when suspicion mounts and his scheme quickly escalate ...
Holiday Heartbreak
Holiday Heartbreak
A hopeless romantic is cursed with relationship problems after her chauvinistic father mistreats the wrong woman.
Murder in the Thirst
Murder in the Thirst
Hosted by LisaRaye, Murder in the Thirst explores scandalous and shocking true-crime stories. With stylized recreations of the crimes themselves and interviews with the real-life ...